English: Headache and backache by Ole Larsen
English: Headache and backache by Ole Larsen
Ole Larsen's bestselling cult book - now as e-book. The paper version has sold more than 30,000 copies.
Buy and download the book here

"3 months after my slipped disc surgery my condition was so bad that the chief physician at Roskilde Hospital prepared me for a life in a wheelchair," says Ole Larsen.

"Rehabilitation in the hot tub could not be granted because the doctor did not expect that it would yield results. I was angry and went to the bank and got an overdraft facility of DKK 100,000. With the money a lot of doors opened for competent doctors and alternative practitioners. Each especially helped a little, and together they made me healthy and painless. "

This book describes in detail, the program Ole Larsen used to heal himself. Use the book as a guide, if you have pain or other plagues. The book is a challenge to all those who say that one must learn to live with his pain. The book gives hope and is therefore the perfect gift for those who have pain and other plagues.

Learn to understand the cause of your pain, and fight it with funds that do not have side effects.

"I recommend Ole Larsen's book for people with back pain, arthritis problems and headaches," says Carsten Vagn Hansen, “Radiodoktoren”.

Price: DKK 147 incl. taxes for 310 pages.
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A Better Life with
The Larsen System


This book is a best-seller in Denmark, where it has received nothing but favourable reviews. Around 25,000 copies of it have been sold in four years, which is unusual in a country of just 5 million inhabitants.
It is a book of self-instruction which enables people to get rid of their headaches in less than half an hour. Backaches can take longer, but with the help of the book, most people can in fact remove or reduce their pain by following the holistic programme that it sets out.
The summary at the back of the book gives a complete overview of the causes of back problems. No-one else has yet produced such a detailed and easily understood elucidation.
Feedback from readers has indicated that the book is effective for self-treatment, and with its help, many people have been able to avoid an operation for a slipped disc.


About the Author

Ole Larsen is a teacher, biologist and kinesiologist. He has worked for more than twenty years as head teacher at a Danish school, and has been involved in innovative ideas on several fronts. He has, inter alia, won several major architectural competitions, co-authored a book about Hans Christian Andersen, and constructed a new environmental model for UNESCO.

It was a couple of serious back injuries that introduced Ole Larsen to alternative treatments for pain. Having eliminated his own pain using these techniques, he began to help other sufferers, and has experienced a great deal of success.

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all over the world

Contact Information

Courses may be arranged by contacting:

Ole Larsen
Hesselhaven 4
DK-4230 Skaelskoer

The author gives instruction only in the context of his courses.


About The Book

A handbook in fighting pain and restoring your quality of life

At Ole Larsen's courses, more than 75,000 people have experienced how headaches and serious back pain can be removed in just a few minutes.
It takes about fifteen minutes to remove a headache. Course participants achieve this by applying acupressure and energy stimulation to themselves. Most people find they can experience pain relief by this means.
There is no mysticism involved in Ole Larsen's therapeutic methods, all of which are based on human biology, with the body and mind being activated and treated in a holistic way.
Back pain usually has several different causes. The treatment involves dietary change, new sitting and working postures, and conscious work on the psyche.
The back is the mirror of the body and mind. Imbalances elsewhere in the body will be reflected in the back. This is what until now has made it so difficult to understand how back pain arises, and how to treat it.
For the first time in print, this book provides a comprehensive description of the problem of pain, and suggests treatments ranging from posture correction to dietary education and chakra healing involving stones, colours, sounds and touch.
The text and illustrations are clear enough to allow you to begin to cure your pain immediately, thereby taking responsibility for your own state of health without experiencing the side effects of traditional treatment.

"This book is worth its weight in gold"
Lars Okholm
civil engineer, dr. techn.


"Ole Larsen has written an exceptional book for anybody who suffers or has ever suffered from chronic pain. I have been in the "wellness" business for over 30 years. I travel world-wide, conducting seminars and workshops, and I have yet to find a better easier to understand book of techniques than Ole Larsen has put together in one volume.

It belongs in every home where people want to get better without the use of drugs."
I wish you all the best with your wonderful book.

Gordon Stokes
Three In One Concepts, Inc.

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